Clean Runoff Property Assessments
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Pigeon Lake Watershed Association (PLWA) is a charitable, not-for-profit environmental advocacy group made up of people who live, work and play in Pigeon Lake and its watershed. Our mission is to enhance, preserve and protect Pigeon Lake and its watershed as a healthy and environmentally sustainable ecosystem for current and future generations.
Updates & News
About the Lake & Watershed
Pigeon Lake Water Level, Watershed Interactive Map, Real-time Hydrometric Data, Wind Conditions, and More
Our Work
Featured Activities, Research and Resources
The Pigeon Lake Watershed Management Plan calls for individuals and organizations to:
Seek out information and beneficial practices relevant to their situation
Assess their own properties and operations
Make beneficial changes incrementally
Encourage others and councils to make appropriate changes
Support the Pigeon Lake Watershed Association

Become a Member
We can strengthen our community, economy and environment by caring for the lake together.
The Pigeon Lake Watershed Association respectfully acknowledges that we are on Treaty 6 territory, a traditional gathering place for the diverse Indigenous peoples including the Four Nations of Maskwacis Alberta whose history, culture and respect for the land continues to influence our vibrant community. We acknowledge all the many First Nations, Métis, and Inuit whose footsteps have marked these lands for centuries. Pigeon Lake and its watershed will benefit by our collective efforts at working together to achieve a Healthy Watershed, Healthy Lake, and Healthy Community.