What We Do
Caring for the lake together
Coordinating community action to preserve and protect the health of Pigeon Lake and its watershed.
The Pigeon Lake Watershed Association (PLWA) is a leader in watershed management planning in Alberta. Together with local partners, PLWA released the science-based Pigeon Lake Watershed Management Plan in 2018. The Plan has eight objectives and 49 actionable recommendations. Municipalities, senior government, the PLWA and the Pigeon Lake Watershed Management Plan Steering Committee have assigned roles in implementation of the Plan.
Pigeon Lake, shoreline, watershed lands, and working together are the priorities with a focus on:
Policy: statutory plans, bylaws, agreements,
Technical: Science and monitoring, and
Community action: advocacy, education, and voluntary action.
Our Work
PLWA plays a lead role in facilitating community action, advocacy and education. PLWA supports the Pigeon Lake Watershed Management Plan Steering Committee, Alliance of Pigeon Lake Municipalities (APLM), and other levels of government on community, research, and policy initiatives. To this end, PLWA:
Provides leadership and resources (including sourcing funds) to support specific Plan components
Collaborates with a network of experts, healthy-lake champions, working groups, and volunteers
Coordinates stewardship programs in the community
Engagement of stakeholders in environmental best practices such that visitors and residents, business, industry and municipal agreements located within the Watershed (or indirectly affecting the watershed) are committed and conforming to best practices, activities in planning, developing, maintaining and utilizing Pigeon Lake and its environment.
PLWA identifies, promotes and advocates land development and land use practices that are conducive to the accepted levels for environmental sustainability within the watershed.
PLWA provides regular updates to the APLM and reports directly to the PLWA Board of Directors.
PLWA Programs are designed to:
Promote Stewardship of the Lake, Shoreline, & Watershed
Welcome to the Lake: Stewardship opportunities for realtors and new property owners
Reduce Nutrients Loading
Alberta Clean Runoff Guide
Naturalization - A Guide for Lake-friendly Landscaping
Municipal and Residential Demonstration Gardens
Healthy Lake Lawn Tips
Municipal Drainage Guide
Rejuvenate the shoreline
Great Canadian Shoreline Clean Up
Annual Pigeon Lake Leaders Session
PLWA Self-Guided Property Assessment Tool
Living by Water Shoreline Naturalization Projects with Nature Alberta
Residential Demonstration Site - Johnsonia
Prevent the Spread of Invasive Species
Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention Strategy
LakeWatch Citizen Science Mussel Monitoring
Invasive Species PSA
Noxious Weed - Community Awareness and Prevention Campaign
Clean Drain Dry Boat Launch Awareness Campaign
Expand our Knowledge
Lake Monitoring Research Partnership
10 years of LakeWatch Water Quality Data
LakeWatch Citizen Science Mussel Monitoring
Pigeon Lake Shoreline Assessment with Watersheds Canada and Canadian Wildlife Federation
Explore Lake Science
Children and Youth Education in conjunction
with other community programsLove the Lake Family Fun Day (since 2008)
Work with all Levels of Government
Model Land Use Bylaw
Lawn Fertilizer Ban
Advocating for Watercraft Inspection Stations
Residential Construction Checklist, Watershed Management Provisions
Watershed Regulations, Land Use Bylaws