Caring for the lake together
Welcome to the Lake
When considering property near a lake, Real Estate Professionals who can share stewardship information will make a difference for the buyer and the lake. Stewardship of the land has a positive impact on lake health, recreational value, and ultimately property values. Welcome to the Lake is a program developed by the Pigeon Lake Watershed Association to engage Alberta’s Real Estate Professionals as healthy-lake stewards, providing them with stewardship training and resources that they can share with clients. While this is an initiative for Pigeon Lake, the resources provided will be beneficial to realtors selling properties in watersheds across the province.
Why is this Program Important?
Lakes and water bodies are a limited resource in Alberta and the demand for lake properties is high. The impact of significant development around water bodies combined with a changing climate is negatively affecting the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of Alberta lakes. These factors also have an impact on real estate sales and property values.
In 2018, the Pigeon Lake Watershed Management Plan was adopted by the local municipalities and has received endorsement from stakeholder groups around the Lake. With the vision of working together for a healthy watershed, healthy lake, and healthy community, the goals identified in the plan are to reduce the frequency and intensity of algal blooms, improve the health of the watershed and the lake, and improve the recreational value of the lake and economic health of the region.
As part of this program, PLWA:
1) Has created a realtor stewardship network
2) Provides stewardship communications and connections through social media
3) Offers Welcome to the Lake stewardship packages
4) Has hosted professional development opportunities for realtors
5) Has developed this realtor portal with stewardship resources
For more information, contact info@plwa.ca
Make sure to say “Welcome to the Lake” by sharing stewardship information with newcomers to Pigeon Lake. We can work together for a healthy lake by creating a strong community.
Learn More About the Lake
This program was made possible through a grant from the Alberta Real Estate Foundation.
The Alberta Real Estate Foundation invests in real estate policy, research, practices, and education that strengthen Alberta’s communities. The Foundation’s revenues come from the interest earned on public money deposited in real estate brokers’ pooled trust accounts. Learn more at www.aref.ab.ca.
This program was developed by a Pigeon Lake Realtors working group, which included:
Cameron Benbow, Realty One Group (Chair)
Cathren Dorchester, Royal LePage Parkland
Merrick Duggan, Realty One
Christine McFarland, Maxwell Progressive
Catherine Peirce, Pigeon Lake Watershed Association
With additional support from: