Our partners are extremely important and help us accomplish our goals. Thank You!
Pigeon Lake Watershed Management Plan Steering Committee
The steering committee includes representation from municipal councils, Maskwacis Four Nations, Pigeon Lake Regional Chamber of Commerce and Healthy Lake Partners including Battle River Watershed Alliance and other watershed management groups.
PLWMP Steering Committee Chair
Robert (Bob) Gibbs,
PLWA Treasurer
Maskwacis Cree Nations
Melanie Daniels,
Consultation Coordinator,
Louis Bull
Chad Simon, Nipiy (Water) Committee, Samson Cree Nation
Leonard Standing on the Road, Chief, Montana Band
Glenn Belozer, Councillor,
Leduc County
Nicholaus Moffat, Parks Planner, Leduc County
Dale Woitt, Councillor,
County of Wetaskiwin
Summer Villages
Don Davidson, Mayor, Grandview
Randal Kay, Mayor, APLM Chair, Golden Days
Ron LaJeunesse, Deputy Mayor, Crystal Springs
Brian Meaney, Councillor,
Poplar Bay
Alberta Environment and Parks
Arin MacFarlane Dyer,
Integrated Resource Planner
Healthy Lake Partners
Wiebe Buruma,
Agri-Enviro Research Specialist,
Alberta Agriculture & Forestry
Sarah Skinner,
Watershed Planning Coordinator,
Battle River Watershed Alliance
Pigeon Lake Regional Chamber of Commerce
Richard Conrad,
Vice President
Tom Karpa, Chair
Pigeon Lake Watershed Association
Catherine Peirce,
Executive Director
Daniel Kenway, Director
Funding Partners
Event Sponsors
Healthy-Lake Partners
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