The Secchi Dip-In program involves community scientists measuring water turbidity, gathering data on the water clarity at Pigeon Lake. Our data contributes to the Secchi Dip-In database created by the North American Lake Management Society.
To measure water clarity
If you have access to a boat, consider becoming a citizen scientist for our Secchi Dip-In program. Pick up a Secchi disk from our office, then take your boat out on the lake. Water clarity is measured by lowering the secchi disk into the water until it is no longer visible.
If this program interests you, please join! Once you sign up, volunteers will receive monitoring procedures, supplies, and guidance.
PLWA How to Take a Secchi Depth Video
Data entry:
Secchi Dip-In Volunteer Instruction Sheet
Secchi Dip-In Online Data Entry Form
Scheduled dates: