Saturday, July 24, 2021, 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Registration for the event
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Welcome and Land Acknowledgement – Wayne Buskas, PLWA President
Business Meeting
1. Approval of the Agenda – Wayne Buskas, PLWA President
2. Approval of the Minutes, AGM 2020 – Wayne Buskas, PLWA President
3. PLWA & PLWMP Report for Members – Catherine Peirce, Executive Director
4. PLWA Directors’ Business – Wayne Buskas, PLWA President
Vote on slate of Directors
Continuing Directors whose terms continue to 2022
Bob Gibbs (Treasurer), Silver Beach
Michael Gaian (Vice President), Mission Beach
Kevin McKee, Johnsonia
Peggy Juchli, Silver Beach
Betty Ann Lough, Argentia Beach
Renewing Directors Slate – Terms to 2023
Wayne Buskas (President), Ma-Me-O
Daniel Kenway, Sundance Beach
Samuel Minde, Samson Cree Nation
Dave Crombie, Mulhurst Bay
New Directors Slate – Terms to 2023
Ian Rawlinson, Crystal Springs
Felix Sperling, Itaska Beach
5. Financials – Robert (Bob) Gibbs, PLWA Treasurer
Statements, Auditor’s Report
Donation Appeal to Membership
6. Membership
7. New Business
8. Adjournment