Is there a fertilizer or herbicide ban in my community?
All 12 municipalities in the Pigeon Lake area have a fertilizer ban in place and 8 have herbicide restrictions. The bylaw in each municipality may have different restrictions and considerations. We recommend visiting the specific bylaws for your community to ensure that you are in compliance.
The use of herbicide and fertilizers can impact water quality through runoff. For example, excess nutrients found in fertilizers lead to increased algal growth, impacting public and environmental health, recreational value, and real estate markets.
Summer Villages
Argentia Beach - Restrict the use of Fertilizers and Herbicides, Land Use Bylaw #228
Crystal Springs - Restrict Use of Fertilizers Pesticides, Public Work Bylaw #236
Golden Days - Fertilizer and Herbicide Ban, Community Bylaw #246
Grandview - Fertilizer and Herbicide Ban - Amended, Land Use Bylaw #298
Itaska Beach - Bylaw #2008/01 & (amendment) Bylaw #2014/02
Ma-Me-O Beach - Restrict the Use of Fertilizers and Herbicides, Land Use Bylaw #350
Norris Beach - To Restrict the Use of Fertilizers and Herbicides, Land Use Bylaw #140
Poplar Bay - Restrict the Use of Fertilizers and Herbicides, Land Use Bylaw #239
Silver Beach - Cosmetic Lawn Fertilizer Bylaw #2016-03
Sundance Beach - Restricted Use of Fertilizers and Pesticides Bylaw #2016-03
Leduc County - Cosmetic Lawn Fertilizer Bylaw #02-16
Wetaskiwin County - Cosmetic Lawn Fertilizer Bylaw #2015/36