1953-1997 - Natural Flora Population at Sundance Beach
Multiple property observed key natural features over the years which contributed to the natural landscape at Sundance Beach.
“The back was all trees and Saskatoon bushes. People watered their horses and sometimes their cattle at our beachfront, so there was a well-worn trail to the water. To the east of our property, the trail wound through the trees to the north, ending in a farmer’s field. It was quite a trail for horseback riders, or for picking saskatoons, raspberries and cranberries. Sometimes, we even found a patch of strawberries.” - 1953
“In its raw state (property lot at Sundance Beach), with its closely guarded and intertwined growth of tall wild-rose bushes, overgrown dogwoods and other jungle-like undergrowth, interspersed amongst all awe-inspiring black poplars, aspen trees and saplings; it was nowhere a thing of landscape-enhancing beauty.” - 1959
“My mother loved picking strawberries in the field at the corner or blueberries in fields past Mission Beach.” - 1959
“We picked wild red top mushrooms every Friday night when we arrived. We walked down the fire break directly behind the first row of cabins, and the field was the piece of property behind East Sundance and along the strip we knew as Kerr Cape all the way to the start of Moonlight Bay. In the spring, we took small containers for picking tiny wild strawberries for dessert. Saskatoon berries came afterwards in the late summer.” - 1967
“In summer we fed the birds, squirrels, and chipmunks, picked wild strawberries and cranberries” -1969
“…marsh marigolds [are called] ‘the harbingers of spring.’ They are beautiful yellow flowers that bloom between mid-April and mid-May. They may be seen in profusion in the ditch on the north side of Vine Avenue stretching from Sundance Beach #78 to #86 - 500 feet of magnificence! - 1997
Excerpts from “The History of Sundance Beach at Pigeon Lake” Compiled by Nadia Halkier.
Wild Strawberry