2000 (April-October)- Sunset Harbour Development
The development of the Sunset Harbour Marina and Stormwater Management was met with many concerns during the planning and application phase. A grouping of appeals were submitted following the initial approval over concerns of adequate stormwater containment to prevent run-off as well as a safe fuelling and storage area for all watercraft within the marina to prevent fuel spillage. The appeals of concern were met with many improvements to the development to protect the natural environment during construction and the usage which would follow completion of this project.
The subsequent mediation and agreement on amendments included the following:
a) There will be no commercial fueling station at the marina. Boat owners must fill their boats in an enclosed area alongside the marina.
b) The marina lagoon will be common property of the Condominium Corporation. The marina slips/moorage will be owned and operated by the approval holder and will be attached to Lot 22. Lots 22 and 23 will be retained by the approval holder for the time being for development as commercial properties.
c) The general public will not have access to the boat launch. The boat launch will be for boaters holding slips in the marina only. The boat launch will be gated and locked when not in use. Signage at Secondary Road 771 will inform the public that the Development Access Road is a private road.
d) The approval holder, in conjunction with the Condominium Corporation Board of Directors, will appoint a harbourmaster to oversee, regulate, and enforce the rules of the marina, including conditions imposed by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans ("DFO") for the construction and operation of the marina.
e) Signs at the marina entrance channel will inform the boating public that the marina is for residents of the condominium, boat club members, and their guests only.
f) The Stormwater Management Plan will include three settling ponds rather than four, but will have the same overall capacity for stormwater collection._The Stormwater Management Plan will be designed to ensure that storm water runoff will not overflow into the adjacent unnamed creek at the northwest corner of the development.
g) The approval holder shall grade in accordance with the Grading Plan dated June 16, 2000."
"The approval holder will not conduct construction activities in the waters of Pigeon Lake between April 1 and July 15".
"The north bank of the 1000 sq. m. section of the Habitat Conservation Area will be bermed to an elevation equal to the existing natural berm located at the northeast corner survey pin, at a top width of one meter. The toe of the slope will be located on the north boundary of the development. The approval holder will construct a four-wire barbed fence on the leading edge of the constructed berm, from the end of the existing corner post to the existing natural berm at the lakeshore, all being subject to approval by DFO Canada. The adjacent landowner agrees to grant access to the approval Holder to complete the above. The approval holder agrees to submit to the Director ?as built? drawings of the development, including the modified 1000 sq. m. Habitat Conservation Area".
"Buoys will be placed along the entire length of the Habitat Conservation Area at a distance of 30 meters from shore. Buoys will be placed at a distance further from shore if allowed by the Canadian Coast Guard. Signs will be posted on the trail along the Habitat Conservation Area, directed at both boaters and users of the trail, indicating that access to the Habitat Conservation Area is prohibited".
An illustration of a previous project that has been successfully completed by the team at Viewland Resorts.
The project featured a man-made harbour, water access for each unit, and architectural restrictions for cape cod-style homes.
Note: This image is supplied for informational purposes only.