Assessing Your Lot
Naturalize Your Lot: A Guide to Lake Friendly Landscaping
Identify areas where you can make changes on your property to help prevent pollutants from entering Pigeon Lake and help reduce the frequency and intensity of algal blooms.
PLWA Clean Runoff Opportunities
Clean Runoff Property Assessment
The PLWA team offers a property consultation service for property owners in the Pigeon Lake watershed. Step one, make an appointment with PLWA staff to complete a Clean Runoff Property Assessment. PLWA staff will meet with you for a tour of your property and provide recommendations regarding clean runoff practices.
The assessment focuses on the following five areas of a naturalized landscape:
1. Minimizing Your Footprint, 2. Planting for the lake, 3. Living Alongside Wildlife; 4. Preventing the Spread of Invasive Species, 5. Protecting the Shoreline. Skip section five if you are not on the shoreline.
The result will highlight where, why and how you can include beneficial management practices in your landscape design. This project aims to support resilience of the land to prevent floods and droughts, slow and filter runoff into Pigeon Lake, reduce the intensity and frequency of algal blooms, and improve biodiversity.
Professional Low-Impact Landscape Plan
This portion of the clean runoff program is now full. Thank you to all members who have signed up to participate!
Following the completion of a Clean Runoff Property Assessment, PLWA members had an opportunity to receive a free, professional landscape concept plan that would implement suggestions of the Clean Runoff Property Assessment, and improve the runoff performance in their yard.
Funding to Purchase Native Plants
The first round of the native plant funding program is now full. Thank you to all members who have signed up to participate! Keep an eye out as this program may open up again later on.
PLWA is able to offer up to $5,000 per participant to buy native plants. This is a great opportunity to help you implement your landscape plan with plants that will help improve biodiversity and reduce runoff into Pigeon Lake. Participants must be PLWA members and have completed a Clean Runoff Property Assessment. Follow the links below for more information about accessing this funding and where you can buy native plants. Complete the form below or email to inquire about this opportunity.
Memorandum of Understanding explaining the requirements and process of this funding.
List of native plant suppliers to help you buy your plants.
Recommended native plants of whatever type, height, and colour you want.
*Note that the plants sold by these suppliers and recommended on our lists may not all be native. It is up to you to ensure that you are buying plants native to Alberta, as set out in the MOU, in order to qualify for reimbursement.
PLWA Clean Runoff Property Assessment Tool
NH Lakes, LakeSmart: A Lake-Friendly Living Program. 2020. [modified with permissions]