Lake Log Stories & Artifacts
A collection of materials, artifacts and detailed accounts of changes at Pigeon Lake
*Dates reflect earliest reported observations from Community Scientists, Contributors and/or news reports. For specific data such
as water temperature check the official sources found through
Erin Dentzien
Erin Dentzien
1959-06-18 - Fish Kill

1959-01-02 - Winter Storm at Ma-Me-O Beach

1956-11-18 - Lunar Eclipse

1956-05-22 - Smoke from Fires out West
1954-10-03 - Bizzard at Ma-Me-O Beach

1989 -Tornado Damage North Shore

2022 June-July - Massive Rainfall Amounts

1981 - Wildfire at Itaska Beach

2020-08-15 - Search & Rescue Water Training

1972/08/19 - Voilent Wind Storm

1928-02-01 - Heavy Snowstorms

1910 - Mulhurst Prairie Fire

1954-10-28 - Texaco Oil Well Fire
2021-12-24 - Extreme Cold Temperatures

2021-10-05 - Saskatchewan Wildfires & Smoke

2021-07-28 - Heat Wave

2021-07-22 - Drought Conditions & Tornado Watch